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Is it true having a cat in the house may affect a woman's fertility?!
28 مارس 2013

د. Jean Esso التخدير
Women who are planning on starting a family need to be aware of a parasite called toxoplasma gondii, which can cause an infection call Toxoplasmosis in humans. Cats are one of the animals that can carry and spread this parasite to humans through infectious cysts shed in their stool. Toxoplasmosis will generally cause mild flu-like symptoms in humans that goes away after a few days, but it can be very harmful to fetuses in the first trimester of pregnancy. To be more specific, It may affect pregnancy not ferility.
د. Adnan Mroueh طب النساء والتوليد
You may keep the cat if it brings the family joy .The fear of toxoplasmosis is exagerated and so many pregnancies have been terminated because of improper interpretation of laboratory results . When the serologic test for toxoplasmosis is requested , An elevated IgG indicates immunity from a prior subclinical infection ,but elevated IgM means recent infection .The confusion is aggravated by having different laboratory methods of testing and lack of standardization and therefore any abnormal test must be verified by repeating the test in a reputable and dependable laboratory .The poor cat is not the only vehicle of transmission , but ingestion of raw meat or inadequately cooke meat may likewise transmit the toxoplasma .So stop eating raw meat and keep the cat !