22 سنوات
I heard instead of getting a breast implant i can replace fat from other partsof my body , is it true ? Is this any better health wise than implants? And where can i do this. Price range ?
29 يناير 2014
But silicone breast implants have to be changed after 10 to 12 years because the aesthetic result sometimes fades over time and because of the risk of complications (silent implant rupture, capsular contracture)
Fat has been widely used in the reconstruction of the breast after cancer and its efficacy has been proved. IN the last 5 years, fat grafting to the breast has become an accepted procedure.
A couple of major issues have to be underlined. First, the results of a breast augmentation with fat is not comparable to breast implant. Because of a relative resorption of the fat (30 to 50 %) and because the volumetric restitution is not the some, you should not expect a major improvement in cleavage, projection, upper pole fullness and bra cup. Fat gives most oft the time moderate improvements, preserving the natural aspect of the breast without disturbing its identity. Second it has to be performed in the right way. It is not a question of liposuction and injection. It is more delicate then that as the fat has to be harvested in a gentle way wit special cannulas to respect its integrity, then it is processed and filtered then reinjected with specific cannulas. If not done in the proper way it could give a very high rate of resorption or gives massives calcifications and cysts to the breast.
And finally third, it has to be done after a thorough mammography examination ruling out any breast lesion and given the green light by a breast radiologist for the injection of fat saying that the mammogram is compatible with the procedure and with the purther breast follow up.
If you want to proceed with this surgery always seek the advice of a board certified plastic surgeon. The price range depends on your morphology and the length of the surgery. It also depends on the type of anesthesia.