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57 سنوات
Is it advisable to have a breast implant after a mastectomy of one of the breasts? What is its cost in Lebanon?
19 أكتوبر 2013

د. Ghassan Nawfal الجراحة
Some patients prefer to have implants while others don't. The timing however is important. As surgeons, we usually tailor the treatment according to the patient's situation. Sometimes we advise to wait until adjuvant treatment (such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy) is given, while at other times we allow breast reconstruction (implant or otherwise) to be carried out simultaneously with the mastectomy. A plastic surgeon can give you an idea about the price.
د. Michel Moutran جراحة التجميل
Having an immediate breast reconstruction will help you accept your mastectomy and not lose your femininity. The reconstruction could be implant based or autologous which means using your own tissues without any need of implant. You would be reconstructing your breast yourself. Plus if done immediately, reconstruction could preserve your skin, the nipple and areola leading to a nice outcome without compromising your cancer treatment.
But immediate reconstruction is not always recommended as underligned by Dr. Nawfal. Any reconstruction whether it is implant based or autologous, will deteriorate if exposed to radiotherapy. So whenever radiotherapy is needed, delayed reconstruction can be offered. But even in these cases, your plastic surgeon can during the mastectomy prepare the reconstruction bu sliding in an inflatable expander to recover your skin directly after radiotherapy. Whatever your case is, keep in mind that your plastic surgeon will help you recover your femininity and regain your self confidence without any compromise on breast cancer treatment.