Would you recommend plastic surgery on the toes? If yes, is it an easy surgery with good results? Any idea how much it costs?
2 إجابة
د. Samer Domloge,
جراحة التجميل
- It depends on the type of the problem you have.If the case is Hallux Valgus deformity the problem can be solved by an orthopedic surgeon.
I'm thinking of having fat transfer to my face and lips but I need to know more about this procedure: recovery time, cost, durability of results, etc.
د. Michel Moutran,
جراحة التجميل
- Microfat grafting is a procedure where fat is harvested with a very special technique and special canula, then processed through irrigation and sometimes centrifugation then injected with specif... إقرأ أكثر
After botox I had a droopy eye, what's the treatment?
د. Salem Abu Alghanam,
طب العيون
- wait until Botox effect goes
15 years of depression took their toll on my face. I'm 28 now. I want to lift my face 1 cm from each side, what to do without going through surgery?
د. Mostafa Odeh,
طب النّفس
- Why can't you lift your face? Is there a muscular contraction in the neck muscles or is there some sort of a neurological problem? We would like to know before answering your question.
What is the solution to cellulite and stretch marks?
د. Bahaa Arbid,
جراحة التجميل
- Cellulite are due to fibers attaching the skin to the deep tissu with extra fat around these fibers. We can do liposuction for the area and fiber detachment.Stretch marks are due to elastine fiber bra... إقرأ أكثر
Dear doctors I hope I find the answer to my question I am 27 years old and weigh 112 kilos I wish if u could advise me if i Can do liposuction I would like you to advise me what is best for me
د. Bahaa Arbid,
جراحة التجميل
- Liposuction is in fact liposculpture, it's done in order to remove the extra fat in some areas to make it more smooth and in harmony with the rest. We can do liposuction for healthy people up to 5 lit... إقرأ أكثر
Hello is there any remedy for hair loss and breakage?
د. Bahaa Arbid,
جراحة التجميل
- Hair loss has many causes :General causes like anemia , thyroid problems , hormonal disordersLocal causes thermal ( high heat dryer or iron) chemical ( smoothing products , hair coloring) and physical... إقرأ أكثر
I want a list everything of what I can and what I cannot do 1 week and above post septo-rhinoplasty?
2 إجابة
د. Bahaa Arbid,
جراحة التجميل
- After 1 week of septo-rhinoplasty, we remove the cast but the bone is still fragile, so you ll need to watch out for another 6 weeks (don't get hit on the nose, and no sunglasses), and the healing pro... إقرأ أكثر
How effective is hair transplantation in Lebanon? How much does it cost and how do you know the best clinics/doctors from the fake-promise ones?
د. Bahaa Arbid,
جراحة التجميل
- Hair transplantation is very effective in lebanon, make sure that it's being done by a plastic surgeon member of the lebanese society of aesthetic plastic surgeons.We have 2 types of hair transplantat... إقرأ أكثر