زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
27 سنوات
Dear doctors I hope I find the answer to my question I am 27 years old and weigh 112 kilos I wish if u could advise me if i Can do liposuction I would like you to advise me what is best for me
6 مارس 2015

د. Bahaa Arbid جراحة التجميل
Liposuction is in fact liposculpture, it's done in order to remove the extra fat in some areas to make it more smooth and in harmony with the rest. We can do liposuction for healthy people up to 5 liters of fat (very special considerations for over 5L, not recommanded)! Your weight is 112kg, I presume you need to remove more than 5L of fat (equivalent to less than 5kg of fat), I recommand you to lose weight first ( diet and sports, or consider Gastroplasty procedure) and then it ll be the best time for plastic surgery.