زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
I'm thinking of having fat transfer to my face and lips but I need to know more about this procedure: recovery time, cost, durability of results, etc.
د. Michel Moutran, جراحة التجميل - Microfat grafting is a procedure where fat is harvested with a very special technique and special canula, then processed through irrigation and sometimes centrifugation  then injected with specif... إقرأ أكثر
I have no muscle in my right chest under the shoulder. I was born with it. I think they call it Poland Syndrome. Is there a surgery for it?
د. Michel Moutran, جراحة التجميل - Poland syndrome is a very typical syndrome as you should know by now involving pectoral muscle (chest) the breast and sometimes the hand. The restoration of the thoracic wall and namely the breast is ... إقرأ أكثر
I heard instead of getting a breast implant i can replace fat from other partsof my body , is it true ? Is this any better health wise than implants? And where can i do this. Price range ?
د. Michel Moutran, جراحة التجميل - First of all, breast augmentation with implants is a very reliable procedure that gives consistent results. It has largely been studied and its efficacy and safety are widely accepted. But silicone br... إقرأ أكثر