زيارة الأطباء
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إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
Is Ramadan a good time to quit smoking?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Anytime is a good time to quit smoking! So why not give it a try since you are already fasting and thus cannot smoke? Go for it!
How to balance meals between Iftar and Suhoor during Ramadan to avoid gaining weight?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Kindly refer to my answer to your previous question.
How can I stay in shape during Ramadan given that iftar is at 8:00 PM and I'm too bloated to work out after?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Eating in small increments upon breaking your fast, and not all in one shot, is key to avoid getting bloated. This also applies to drinking water and fluids upon iftar, which could pose a problem give... إقرأ أكثر
Please i need to live a healthy life style. from where i should start and what should i do? note that i dont have any deseas. thanks in advanced
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Start by taking the stairs, everywhere, everyday, it is a good way to start having your body adapting to become more active. If your work or university are not extremely far from home, walk, at least ... إقرأ أكثر
My mom suffers from hemiplegia caused by a stroke 5 years ago, due to high blood pressure. Is a trip to Tokyo ok? since its over 16h flight?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - In principle, if the blood pressure is maintained under control (through diet, exercise, and medication), your mother is not on oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and... إقرأ أكثر
I would like to know which foods can improve my brain, my memory and my heart and blood circulation
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Here are the basics, and there is no magic formula:Leading a healthy lifestyle, including an active non-sedentary lifestyle whereby you exercise regularly for at least 30 continuous minutes per day, i... إقرأ أكثر
How to reduce the possibility of having a heart attack and cancer How to save ourself from.heart attack ?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Here are the basics, and there is no magic formula:Leading a healthy lifestyle, including an active non-sedentary lifestyle whereby you exercise regularly for at least 30 continuous minutes per day, i... إقرأ أكثر
I'm a 15 year old vegetarian. I sometimes get nausea out of the blues. I have had a blood test recently and the doctor said that I'm getting enough nutrients.what else could it be?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - Vitamin B12 deficiency, a common finding in strict vegetarians, can very well induce nausea. Assessing for adequate intake of vitamin B12 is necessary and this requires that you keep a diary of your d... إقرأ أكثر
Is the Hepatitis vaccine a must at 22? My concern is whether the vaccines are good here in Lebanon since apparently everything is contaminated. What other vaccines should be taken at this age?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - At the age of 22 years, booster shots of Hepatitis A vaccine and TdaP (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) are recommended because: 1- Our area is endemic for hepatitis A virus 2- Regarding TdaP, it was f... إقرأ أكثر