زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
26 سنوات
My mom suffers from hemiplegia caused by a stroke 5 years ago, due to high blood pressure. Is a trip to Tokyo ok? since its over 16h flight?
5 مارس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
In principle, if the blood pressure is maintained under control (through diet, exercise, and medication), your mother is not on oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and does not smoke, and is on proper anticoagulation (blood thinners), it should be OK for her to travel even if the flight duration is prolonged. BUT the final word should be for your mother's treating physician, as only he/she have full information regarding her risk factors for blood clotting propensity and her current health status, so make sure you consult your mother's treating physician on the matter.