زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
29 سنوات
Recent a blood pressure that is not normal 15/9.5 my usual one was 12.5/7 and my usual pulse either 61 or 60 but now is raising up to 70. numbness in right hand three first fingers long computer work.
10 ديسمبر 2013

د. Bassem Tanios طب أمراض الكلى
High blood pressure ( Hypertension) is a major cause of long-term problems, involving the heart, kidneys and brain. Although your recent high blood pressure might be related to stressful situations, lack of sleep and over-work, however this issue must be taken seriously.
I advise you to check your blood pressure more frequently either at home or at a doctor's office, and in doubt a 24 hour blood pressure monitor can be done to know for sure if you have high blood pressure or this is only related to periods of stress. In the meantime I advise you to decrease the amount of salt in your diet, decrease the amount of caffeinated beverages and sodas if you are used to take these excessively, stop smoking and try to decrease your weight, and sleep well, as all of these can have an effect on blood pressure.
Your blood pressure should not be more that 14/8, if with the above lifestyle changes your blood pressure remains high, anti-hypertensive medication might be necessary, It is advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible to deal with this issue.
The issue of numbness in the right hand is probably not related to your high blood pressure and might be due to nerve compression ( called carpal tunnel syndrome), for this too you have to see your doctor, and a nerve conduction study might be ordered and appropriate treatment given if necessary.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
you have to check you blood pressure twice a dayin the same time or a holter for 24hours if it is still high medicationsare to be prescribed the numbness of the fingers is amedian nerve compression
د. Nada Awada طب الأسرة
The pulse rate you mentioned is not a problem. you need to see a doctor for your blood pressure if it is that high on more than one occasion. High blood pressure is a serious problem that should be evaluated and treated, the earlier the better.