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27 سنوات
How to reduce the possibility of having a heart attack and cancer How to save ourself from.heart attack ?
18 يناير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Here are the basics, and there is no magic formula:Leading a healthy lifestyle, including an active non-sedentary lifestyle whereby you exercise regularly for at least 30 continuous minutes per day, in addition to eating healthy and preferably organic home-made food while avoiding trans fats, reducing red meat consumption (high red meat intake was found to increase cardiovascular disease risk), making sure you eat fiber-rich foods (fibers reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer), avoid highly processed foods, foods high in sugar and salt especially sweetened carbonated beverages, avoiding smoking (both first and second hand smoking), minimizing alcohol intake, and minimizing all sources of stress (I know, just a tad bit unrealistic goal but one must try - mindfulness practice and stress-relieving practices like yoga are excellent options).