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19 سنوات
Are the flu and throat pain alarming in first 2 weeks of pregnancy?
2 مايو 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
The 1st three months of pregnancy (also known as the 1st trimester) are indeed the most critical portion, because it's during those months that the organs of the fetus are forming. So any insult or alteration may have serious consequences.
A simple flu without fever or severe symptoms (such as severe diffuse muscle and joint aches, chills in association with the fever, excessive sleep etc.) should not be alarming even if it happens during the 1st trimester. Conservative treatment (bed rest, fluids, pain medications) should be able to get the patient through this flu. BUT since this period is nonetheless critical, consulting the obstetrician who follows up on this patient is necessary to make sure everything is going well.