زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
26 سنوات
I'm always down with the flu almost every 2 weeks. I get healthy then sick constantly several times a month.Note that I work long hours, work out daily during the week, and put up with lots of stress!
23 سبتمبر 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Individuals with frequent upper airways symptoms usually have an allergic background (allergic rhinosinusitis). Classical treatment to prevent recurrent colds include oral anti histamine and montelukast, intranasal steroids, and nasal saline. In more severe cases, especially when the cause of the allergy cannot be clearly identified, a skin prick test to depict the specific allergen (the agent that triggers an allergic reaction) needs to be done in addition to blood tests; avoidance of the allergen is key. Sublingual immunotherapy, a kind of therapy whereby compounds (in the form of tablets or drops) of allergen extracts are administered under the tongue of a patient with allergic reactions and then swallowing the extracts. It allows the organism to become tolerant to the allergen by absorbing the allergen through the stomach lining. It is useful in selected cases.