Primperan is safe for a 12 weeks pregnant? please advise
د. Nemer Charafeddine,
طب النساء والتوليد
- primperan is classified as category B in pregnancy, so it is safe, like taking paracetamol , but it can have side effects (extrapyramidal symptoms) depending on the patients
Hi Doctors My last period was 8 January and on 9 February I did B-HCG it's 1218. Which week am I? Is this value normal? I'm vegetarian can I eat fish?
د. Nemer Charafeddine,
طب النساء والتوليد
- today you are 5w 4d it is possible to see a sac on ultrasound.on 9 feb you were 4 w 4 dyes the value is normal,if you are veget. , yes you can eat fish, or there are formulation of multivitamin that c... إقرأ أكثر
Hello Drs. Can we eat sushi when pregnant? Can we drink ginger tea or eat ginger? Does it have any side effects on foetus? Thx
د. Maya Halabi-Tawil,
الأمراض الجلدية
- NO SUSHI when pregnant, no problem for ginger it can ease the nausea.
What health conditions (ex: diabetes, pregnancy, etc) restrict a person from fasting?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- There are a number of categories of healthy people and patients who are exempt from fasting. These include pre-pubertal children, or women during pregnancy, breastfeeding mothers; travelers) or people... إقرأ أكثر
Can a pregnant women take slimming pills?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- Absolutely not! The main principle regarding weight control during pregnancy is that the pregnant woman must not try to lose weight. The best thing is to control the weight gain process so as not to p... إقرأ أكثر
I am 2 month pregnant i have very bad flue what is safe to take and what to do ?
د. Nemer Charafeddine,
طب النساء والتوليد
- you should consult your obstetrician for the treatment option..mainly flu is viral, so it is self limiting in 4-5 days, treatment is supportive ( anti tussive, pain kilers...)_
I just discovered that I am pregnant again 6 months after delivery. Can I still hold my baby and carry heavy objects? What to avoid doing this time to prevent miscarriage?
د. Nemer Charafeddine,
طب النساء والتوليد
- did you delivered by c-section or NVD ?you can hold your baby thoughas any pregnant woman , carrying heavy objects is undesirable,,
I got pregnant on 16-1-2015, what week am I on May 5, 2015?
د. Nemer Charafeddine,
طب النساء والتوليد
- You are 17 weeks and 4 days into your pregnancy (your conception date was 16/1/15).
Are the flu and throat pain alarming in first 2 weeks of pregnancy?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- The 1st three months of pregnancy (also known as the 1st trimester) are indeed the most critical portion, because it's during those months that the organs of the fetus are forming. So any insult or al... إقرأ أكثر