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18 سنوات
How many times she have to take this medicine? And one more question this pain started 2 weeks ago(kll fakhda 3am youja3a)
8 أغسطس 2014

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Magnesium supplementation needs to be continued as long as the symptoms of cramping are there. But if there's not only cramping but also pain in the thigh, she needs to be examined tokknow where the pain is coming from, especially if she has other medical conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity. Allow these conditions affect the blood supply of the leg muscles and even the blood supply of the hip joint. Obesity itsel may pose a lot of sstrain on the muscles and knees, causing pain. If she's post menopausal (سن اليأس) she needs to be evaluated for osteoporosis (ترقق العظم) which could cause pain. Another possibility of pain that starts in the lower back on one side of the body and goes all the way down to the thigh or to the toes is a disc disease (causing nerve root compression and thus pain). Again if there is a disease process behind the pain, magnesium supplementation will not solve it so the pain and cramps will not go away unless the main disease is diagnosed and treated properly.