د. Rami Andari
جراحة التجميل
Are Easy Slim capsules safe, do they help in reducing weight, noting they are sold in pharmacies
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- I do agree with dr jinan and dr khaled
Does mons liposuction increases chances of orgasm sensation ? If not why did my surgeon suggest it !!
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- It depends on the case,in some cases it can increase but some others it dosnt.
Whats evidence based medicine behind new trend of adult or embryonic stem cells of every use ? Face lipofilling , post surgery scars treatment ? Stretch marks ? What to believe
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- I need many pages to answers your question cause it involves lot of details. But i can tell you that stem cell is new trend and many of the treatments are still under reaserch.
What are the risks of a breast implant surgery?
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- I do agree with Dr Ibrahim but just wanted to add that in some case the nipple sensation can increase.
Whats number one treatment for hair thinning ? Transplant ? Should i seek derma or plastic surgeon
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- Baldness can be treated with hair transplant but hair fall or thinning better to be treated with stem cells.
How can I have slimmer arms? are here certain exercises I should be doing? same thing for love handles, how to make them smaller?
د. Rami Andari,
جراحة التجميل
- Dear,some patients can do only gym and solve the problem.some others should be submitted to liposuction to remove the lovcal fat.for that you should have a consultation to make sure about the solution... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Rami Andari
حصل على شهادة طب من University of Medicine of Petropolis
Beirut, لبنان