د. Georges Choueiri
أمراض القلب
هل أستطيع تناول دواء Zinax دون وصفة طبية وابلغ من العمر 17؟
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- هل تقصد دواء Xanax؟ اذا كنت تقصد ذلك فإن هذا الدواء يزيل القلق ويتم استخدامه بعناية فائقة مع المراهقين لذا يجب أن يتم ذلك بمراقبة طبيب.
Can I take Zinax without a doctor's prescription if i am only 17
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Do you mean xanax?
Xanax is an anxiolytic agent to be used very carefully in teenagers. Of course with a dr monitoring.
How can we get rid of puberty acne for a 12 year-old boy?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Let him gain self confidence.
Clean face with any soap and warm water.
Rinse and wipe strongly till skin becomes rose.
Apply tretinoin lotion with gentle massage till it dries.
Above steps are to be r... إقرأ أكثر
Does masturbation cause acne?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- No, it does not cause acne.
How many cups of coffee are allowed per day? same for red wine
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- One cup of american coffee, according to latest studies, is better than nothing. More is harmful.
Tea, especially green tea, is the best, against cancer, heart disease, stroke, kidney failure...
What are the foods to avoid if I have High Cholesterol?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Red meat, processed meat, butter, yellow cheese, whole milk dairy.
Food must be grilled or boiled, and its juice got away.
Animal fat become more dangerous when heated up i mean grilled uellow cheese,... إقرأ أكثر
What is Bouveret
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Bouveret syndrome is also a paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia
What are the side effects of high (bad) cholesterol ?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Bad cholesterol is called Ldl cholsterol. It promotes atherosclerosis which is artery stiffness that causes finally partial to complete artery occlusion.
Ldl cholesterol is most hamful when it gets ox... إقرأ أكثر
Is it normal for young men (in 20s) to take viagra? Does it affect their health in any way?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Viagra works when athersclerosis is present either mild or severe.
Usually at 20 years old, people don't have atherosclerosis yet. So Viagra dosen't work.
Is it fine for a person with hypertension to take viagra?
د. Georges Choueiri,
أمراض القلب
- Viagra is forbidden for every person taking nitrates, a treatment for heart disease, because Viagra increases its effect and thus gets blood pressure much lower, which could be harmful.
High blood pre... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Georges Choueiri
حصل على شهادة طب من University of Paris
Beirut, لبنان