د. Bassem Tanios
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A friend is diagnosed with chronic extramembranous glomerulonephritis, what is the risk of renal failure, and what are the other risks?
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- extramembranous glomerulonephritis or membranous glomerulonephritis is a disorder affecting the kidneys. Some cases are termed secondary, that means that they they are a results of some infections or ... إقرأ أكثر
I Had a Mesmar on my foot. I Used plasters to remove it. It was removed last week with a part of my skin around it and it is still hurting. What to do
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- It is possible that a small part of the nail is still retained which can cause inflammation or infection around it , which is responsible for the pain, I advise you to see your doctor to assess the s... إقرأ أكثر
Please anyone can tell me why I gain 500 to 1000 grams every day...although nothing changed in my habits.
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- weight gain can be secondary to multiple reasons, including some medications with will affect the metabolism, and some metabolic disorders such as hypothyroidism. Rapid weight gain however can be a si... إقرأ أكثر
Discomfort on my right kidney and down been there for a week i have no burning in pee not always bubblesshould i worry or shab2it hawa? But its been there for a week it dsnt bother when i lie down
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Although the pain you are describing seems musculo-skeletal in nature, which should resolve spontaneously, you might want to do some basic tests, including a urine test to make sure everything is norm... إقرأ أكثر
Hi i am 56 years old a table tennis player i have a plaque in my hand i notice a dark red urine after a long table tennis duration any relation between the plaque and the dark red urine due too fatigE
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Red urine or macroscopic hematuria as you are describing can be related to exercise and is termed exercise-induced hematuria.
However I advise you to seek medical attention, and preferably a nephrolo... إقرأ أكثر
Hello, my urine culture shows E Coli 100 000 ML, density 1010, globules blancs 25, globules rouges 8, hemoglobine 2+ what does it mean? should i be worry? i always feel weakness
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- your urine culture results suggest a urinary infection, usually this requires treatment with antibiotics, especially if there is any clinical symptom of infection, such as urinary symptoms like pain o... إقرأ أكثر
If these drugs are taken together, valsartan, aldactone, glucophage, vitamine D, magnesium and ergy slim water drainage, can they have any side effects on a pregnancy?
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Valsartan, aldactone, and glucophage should definitely not be used during pregnancy, as they are associated with harm to the fetus. These medications should be stopped when planning for pregnancy or w... إقرأ أكثر
I use concor 5mg for my hypertension and take Troken. I had a chest pain and a high hypertension early this morning. At the hospital they put a patch to lower it. Should I change my medicine? What if
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Troken or clopidogrel is a blood thinner, and is used to prevent blood clots , and decrease the risk of cardiac problems, and it does not have an effect on blood pressure.
Concor or bisoprolol belon... إقرأ أكثر
As an sle patient what can be done to avoid renal failure
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an auto-immune disorder which can involve several parts of the bodies, and sometimes it can involve the kidneys. Occasionally kidney involvement may eventually le... إقرأ أكثر
Hello my name is monica im almost 18 and i sometimes have these bruises on my legs with no reason why?
د. Bassem Tanios,
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- Bruises can occur secondary to minor trauma to skin, such as exercise or physical activity, which can be not noticed sometimes. It can also be the result of defects in hemostasis and coagulation, that... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Bassem Tanios
حصل على شهادة طب من Lebanese University
Beirut, لبنان