My life partner bleeds (with pain) for two days after anal sex. Does this cause long term problems? We use enough lubricant (no condom).
د. Michael Khoury,
- Your partner might have anal fissure. It is Caused by traumatism of the anal canal's mucosa that results in a laceration and bleeding. The pain is due to the anal sphincter muscle spasm in a reaction ... إقرأ أكثر
My daughter aged 5 years had blood in the stool. She had diarrhea & stomach pain so we did a stool culture which came back negative. What's the cause?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- If your daughter has had diarrhea for a few days, then the small amount of blood in the context of a negative stool culture can be explained by the presence of an anal fissure. What happens is, with t... إقرأ أكثر
Hi I'm 22 female I have chronic anal fissure 4 yrs,I bled a lot whn I'm in toilet. Mebo don't work. Plz I need somehlp It's painful. Do I need surgry?
د. Bassem Skaff,
طب النساء والتوليد
- You should visit a proctologist .. Surgery might be indicated
How do doctors check for hemorrhoids or anal fissures? Just saw a doctor & he opened my ass so he can see inside. Is there another way?How to cure it?
د. Ghassan Nawfal,
- Examining a patient with anal problems should not be painful and it is the only way to do it in order to differentiate between various causes. Examination for such things should be done in the office ... إقرأ أكثر
Today I noticed some rectal bleeding. The blood color is real red and I feel discomfort around my anus. What might be causing it? Should I see a doctor immediately?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- The appearance of fresh (red, bright) blood from the rectum is, in most cases, one of two things:1- Anal fissure: typically occurs in the scenario of constipation (hard stools), and/or straining, whic... إقرأ أكثر
Is it normal to have a burning sensation in anus after diarrhea?what is the solution? Is deflamol a good idea?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- This burning sensation results from irritation (repetitive and frequent contact with fecal material\0 in addition to straining; there may even be a laceration (the skin may break open a bit). You are ... إقرأ أكثر
Itchy and burning sensarion in anus and very uncomfortabel feeling plz whats wrong and what can I use
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- This could be due to hemorrhoids, a healing anal fissure, or a worm infestation. The only way to find out is by direct examination of the area. Meanwhile you can try to do a Sitz bath: soak your perin... إقرأ أكثر
I get constipation every now and then and then a terrible stomach ache and then my anus starts bleeding. What to do?
د. Thierry Yazbek,
- you have two different problems:
first, the stomach pain, which could be a gastritis...
second, the constipation which can cause the anal bleeding due to hemorrhoids or anal fissure...
so a treatmen... إقرأ أكثر
23, female, sometimes i have burning feeling in my rectal area & what appears to be hemorrhoids with a dot of blood when i wipe too hard when it itches. Causes & solutions please! should i be worried?
د. Thierry Yazbek,
- hemorrhoids —Swollen veins — can develop from an increase in pressure in the lower rectum. you have the external and internal hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids, when thrombosed, may be v... إقرأ أكثر