The facial hair on my left cheek is growing normally, but it isn't on the left one due to burned skin, what i the best treatment, product or medication to use to help the hair re-grow?
4 نوفمبر 2013
the growth of hair after a burn depends on how much of the skin have been damaged ,There are basically 3 degrees of burns, 1st degree such as sunburn heals in a few days and will not scar, 2nd degree such as a scald which will blister at least, that will heal without scarring, a Deep 2nd degree burns through the Epidermis and some distance into the dermis could leave a scar if left untreated.
For a burn to destroy the hair follicles it would have to be a very deep burn and would probably be classed a 3rd degree burn, then hair will not grow back, and you will need as Dr Salim said hair transplant
so ,if your burn does not damage your hair follicle then the hair will grow again it will need some time if the burn damages the hair follicle then impossible for hair to regrow and you need a hair tranplant
For a burn to destroy the hair follicles it would have to be a very deep burn and would probably be classed a 3rd degree burn, then hair will not grow back, and you will need as Dr Salim said hair transplant
so ,if your burn does not damage your hair follicle then the hair will grow again it will need some time if the burn damages the hair follicle then impossible for hair to regrow and you need a hair tranplant
If you still have some areas on that side that grow hair normally then you might benefit from tissue expansion. If not, then you might consider hair transplant.