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الصفحة الرئيسية
I had a facial treatment (nettoyage) on face and neck for acne (on face) and folliculitis (on neck), it left small red dots. How long will these dots take to go away? Will they leave any pigmentation?
12 فبراير 2013

د. Rola Al Dhaybi الأمراض الجلدية
Facials are not a treatment of acne by themselves. What you are having are like acne scars. Normally they should fade away within one month. If they don't then you should be examined by a dermatologist in order to be given treatment creams +/- pills depending on your skin type. There is possibility of having an acne flare-up following a facial and the face may get worse instead of improving in some cases. Depending on your skin color, the darker it is the more there is possibility of leaving pigmentation thus the need for treatment.