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الصفحة الرئيسية
35 سنوات
If he needs surgery, is it still possible to do it at the age of 5 years?
23 أكتوبر 2014

د. Edward Riachy جراحة الأطفال
Yes of course it's possible. Here's the latest recommended timeline:

- If it's a retractile testis (ascenseur) : No operation needed

- If it's a true newborn undescended testis: we give the testis a chance to descend by the age of 6 months. If it does not, it needs an operation between 6 - 12 months for better results. If the child presents at a later age, we still do the surgery to fix the testis.

- If it's an "acquired" type undescended testis ( also called "ascending" undescended testis - and not ascenseur): this type usually presents at a late age per definition, and gets higher and higher with the child's growth. We do the corrective surgery ( called orchidopexy) at the age when the diagnosis is made.

Difference between the "acquired" type undescended testis and a retractile testis (ascenseur) can be subtle on physical examination. It is recommended to check with a specialist because treatment is different: one needs a surgery, the other not.