زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
My Nose was Broken 5 days ago and the Doctor Move The Bone to it's place but he said that it backed 80 % to its place and he gave me some medicine but i still worried plz tell me what should i do ??
15 مارس 2013

د. Jihad Achkar طب الأذن والحنجرة
There is nothing much you can do right now. The swelling from the trauma will need at least 3-4 weeks to come down for a surgeon to properly evaluate if it has straightened up with the attempted reduction. Surgical treatment before then may lead to inaccurate results. You should follow up with the surgeon after the swelling comes down for evaluation of the intranasal cavity as well, as trauma can cause septal deviation and thus, nasal obstruction.