My brother has torn his shoulder last year, and the doctor said that everything was fine after the treatments. Now he's in pain since 5 days because of his shoulder. PS: he didn't lift anything heavy
23 مايو 2013
I would suggest he is examined by a physician
your brother having a shoulder tear last year even after treatment put him at higher risk of reccurent tear at minimal shoulder activities even not lifting heavy thing ,any minimal activity such as ptching ,golfing ,stretching can cause the problem another time
A lot can be done to help people who have a labral tear. Most times, treatment will begin with a conservative approach. A program of stretching and strengthening exercises, icing, pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications may be used to help decrease pain and improve function of the shoulder.
If the conservative approach to managing a labral tear is not effective, surgery may be required. An orthopaedic surgeon may be able to repair or remove the torn part of the labrum through arthroscopic surgery or through an open shoulder procedure. If the labral tear is also associated with an unstable glenohumeral joint, the surgeon may also be able to surgically stabilize the glenohumeral joint.
,so i suggest as dr salim and dr beatrice said ,your brother must go the doctor to order him MRI arthrogram to identify if there is tear and makes the appropriate treatement
A lot can be done to help people who have a labral tear. Most times, treatment will begin with a conservative approach. A program of stretching and strengthening exercises, icing, pain medications or anti-inflammatory medications may be used to help decrease pain and improve function of the shoulder.
If the conservative approach to managing a labral tear is not effective, surgery may be required. An orthopaedic surgeon may be able to repair or remove the torn part of the labrum through arthroscopic surgery or through an open shoulder procedure. If the labral tear is also associated with an unstable glenohumeral joint, the surgeon may also be able to surgically stabilize the glenohumeral joint.
,so i suggest as dr salim and dr beatrice said ,your brother must go the doctor to order him MRI arthrogram to identify if there is tear and makes the appropriate treatement