زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
1 سنة
My 16 months old has 39 to 39.8 fever since yesterday starting 2pm until morning, even with panadol & brufen. No runny nose or cough. Appetite decreased today. No fever in morning. What can cause it?
26 أغسطس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
It is not possible to figure out the cause of the fever in this child without examining him: we need to look at the tonsils for evidence of tonsillitis (redness, pus etc.), the ears to rule out otitis (red bulging eardrum), listen to the chest to make sure there are no abnormal breathing sounds signaling bronchitis or pneumonia, examine the urine for possible infection (urine analysis and culture). These are the basic measures to investigate fever in a child and necessitate a visit to the clinic.