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1 سنة
His Dr. in UAE says it's Roseola. Fever's gone, light red spots started, ligth diharrea, he's v. cranky & still not eating! Any effect on me pregnant?
30 أغسطس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
Roseola or حُمَيْرة is a rather self limited short lived viral infection that starts with persistent high grade fever over a few days, plus or minus mild runny nose or cough, after which the fever breaks and concomitantly a rash appears especially over the buttocks area - small reddish dots. A child with Roseola may be irritable and have decreased oral intake but this should start to improve soon. Although the Roseola virus is not life threatening, as you are pregnant, you are advised to wear a mask when you expect to get into close contact with your son until the rash disappears (this virus is transmitted through droplets from coughing or sneezing).