زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Im 38 years working man, standing for 8 hours per day feel pain in my knees, and sometimes my neck espicially when colod weather,any advise
18 أبريل 2013

د. Nadeen Hilal طب الأمراض المفصليّة
Your pains are called mechanical pains because they come from excessive exertion and usually they are not serious. My advice to you is to try to relax whenever possible and do some of your daily tasks in the sitting position. In addition, exercise woild be of great benefit in your case because it will strengthen your muscles and thus decrease fatigue and pain. You can also take some pain medications if no contraindications when your pains are out of control.
د. Beatrice Khater طب الأسرة
Looks like your muscles are tired and stiff.
I fully agree with Dr Hilal, heating your muscles is important as well: covering well in cold weather, hot shower...