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24 سنوات
If someone is having a heart attack and he can't make it to the hospital in time, are there certain measures we can take to buy time to get to the doctor's?
11 يوليو 2013

د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
you cannot know that someone is having a heart attack unless you take a proper history for the type of pain, do an electrocardiogram and blood tests to tests for the cardiac markers.
there are several diseases that can mimic the chest pain of the heart attack including aortic dissection,pericarditis, peptic ulcer disease... to which treatment is different but if you give the treatment of heart attack (aspirin) you might make things worse. so the best advice is not to delay hospital transfer.
د. Rony Shammas أمراض القلب
Time is muscle and every minute counts when you are having a heart attack. Opening up the clogged artery and restoring blood flow to the heart muscle is the only thing that can be done to limit the damage and possibly save your life. The sooner that can be accomplished, the better the outcome is. Heart attack victims who have their arteries opened up within 4 hours of the onset of symptoms have the best chance of surviving and the least risk of developing heart failure and permanent heart damage.