زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
17 سنوات
I did not understand any thing from your answer . my son adge 16 years he has head pain and near his lever .after blood test the result same
30 مارس 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
The results you have provided show that there is an elevation in the indirect bilirubin, which generally indicates what we call indirect hyperbilirubinemia. This lab test finding may result from a number of conditions, which are usually associated with increased production or decreased proper metabolism or uptake of bilirubin by the liver. As my colleague has already explained, such a blood test result cannot be interpreted in isolation of the full clinical picture, meaning, we need to know more detailed information about your son's condition in order to have a clear understanding of the blood test result.
Bilirubin is a dark green pigment that result from the breakdown of red blood cells; particularly, it is the product of breakdown of the heme protein found in the red blood cell. It is potentially toxic in nature and it is processed in the liver to a less toxic pigment that goes into the urine and feces. In adults, 250-400 mg of bilirubin is produced daily. 
Liver pain associated with indirect bilirubin could be the result of increased breakdown of red blood cells; the exact underlying mechanism cannot be elucidated so simply. More elaborate information (physical examination, family history, the results of other relevant tests) is necessary.