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58 سنوات
How much calories does walking 5 Kms in 50 minutes burn? And how do we convert calories to kilograms?
12 يوليو 2013

د. Michel Moutran جراحة التجميل
Walking 5 km in 50 min is a good maintenance activity. The Calorie burned are around 250 cal. That is not a lot as a chocolat bar can go to 500 cal.
But calory expenditure is not the only issue that must be taken into consideration. While walking you are raising your heart rate, improving your breath, mobilizing your articulations, and building muscles. All of these issue are very important for a healthy living. Plus building muscles will make your basic metabolism higher. In other words, the muscles you are building will use more calories (and hence make you loose weight) and make you loose weight even when not exercising.
So walking is a great activity, do it on a regular basis (3-4 times a week) and with a little effort on your food intake (lower the carbohydrates (sugar); lower the fat) you will expect to loose weight.