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20 سنوات
Can the woman have a normal period while pregnant,with normal bleeding ?
21 يناير 2015

د. Zakia Dimassi طب الأطفال
It is a common misconception that a woman can have a regular menstrual cycle while pregnant. Some women may get vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, and at times this bleeding can be easily mistaken for a regular period. But this type of bleeding is not the same menstrual cycle.
Common causes of first-trimester bleeding are:

1. Implantation Bleeding
Occurs when the fertilized ovum (egg) attaches to the wall of the uterus (womb), which should be around 2-5 days after conception. This bleeding should be slight and should not persist for more than 5-10 days after conception.

2. Hormonal Changes
This minimal bleeding may resemble your normal period. Some women bleed throughout pregnancy, but this is not the normal period, this is the result of hormonal changes related to pregnancy.

3. Other Causes
Bleeding may follow a vaginal exam because there is an increase in the blood flow to the cervix during gestation.

Bleeding can also indicate more serious problems such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage which could be life threatening and require immediate medical attention.