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24 سنوات
Can propanolol relieve anxiety and if used once. should continue for life ?
25 أغسطس 2014

د. Rania Mousa الطب العام
Propranolol hydrochloride blocks the effects of certain chemicals in the body. It can be used to reduce heart rate, to help the heart beat more regularly, to reduce the heart's work and to lower blood pressure. It can also reduce the frequency and severity of angina attacks.

Propranolol hydrochloride can also help to reduce some of the symptoms of anxiety and stress such as a rapid heart rate or sweating.

It can also be used to prevent migraines
If you are not having any problems taking this medicine then do not stop taking it, unless advised to do so by your prescriber. If, however, you find that this medicine is causing you problems then you should talk to your prescriber about your concerns.

In some instances, stopping Propranolol hydrochloride abruptly, can worsen your condition but usually if treating high blood pressure ,if the case anxiety and the medicine is prescribed to control rapid heart beats ,then if the anxiety is treated and the cause is gone usually you can gradually by the help of your doctor lower the dose gradually .
If your doctor decides that it is best that you do not take this medicine any more, they may advise you to reduce the dose gradually over time

if your question if this medicine cause addiction ,no it doesn;t cause and no withdrawal reactions after stopping ,if stopped the consequence may be return of the symptoms the medicine treated if the condition still present