زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
Seems that I can't feel happiness anymore no matter whatIi do. Why & where should I go to fix this? I am constantly crying for over an hour daily.
د. Jihad Irani, طب الأسرة - Start by getting seen by your family doctor or psychiatrist. There are plenty of things that they can do to help you out.
I have a friend who is considering trying MDMA, but he takes topiramate (25mg) and amitriptyline (25mg). Are there any issues with interactions?
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - This is certainly not a sound idea, mixing psychogenic medications (medications used to treat psychological conditions) with drugs that also affect the neurotransmitters (like MDMA affects serotonin l... إقرأ أكثر
My father is always angry and overwhelmed. He doesn't want to take his medication to calm down. What to do?
د. Georges Karam, طب النّفس - Regular exercise, at least 3-4 times a week. Good luck!
If a 15 year old steals money from his parents (although he has an allowance & more) and lies frequently, does he need a psychological therapy?
د. Georges Karam, طب النّفس - yes he does. It is important to understand why this behavior is occurring and solve the underlying issue. Good luck!
I have a fear of flying and I have to travel soon. What type of medication will help me relax, sleep or decrease my anxiety during the flight?
د. Georges Karam, طب النّفس - If you talk to your primary care doctor (or psychiatrist), he/she will be able to prescribe you a medication.Another way will be to undergo focus therapy about this specific fear to be able to overcom... إقرأ أكثر
What is the best herbal pill/supplement for mild anxiety?
د. Georges Karam, طب النّفس - None of the supplements/vitamins have scientific proof of being helpful. These supplements work as a placebo effect.If you have mild anxiety, cognitive behavioural therapy may be best for you. Good lu... إقرأ أكثر
I'm very depressed about my weight. I have 2 kids and I tried dieting several times but I never stick to it. I'm always stressed and nervous. I weigh 80kg and I'm 166cm tall. How to commit to a diet?
2 إجابة
د. Mostafa Odeh, طب النّفس - Losing weight is a problem for a lot of people. To lose weight you need to restrict taking food, or to perform regular exercises or to take slimming medications. If the first 2 methods fail, you may n... إقرأ أكثر
Who is the best doctor to visit for Social Anxiety case, a good and low price per session.
د. Georges Karam, طب النّفس - A psychiatrist is the kind of doctor that you need to visit. You can find a list at http://www.lpsonline.orgGood luck!
How to treat daily tachycardia related to stress or anxiety??
د. Zakia Dimassi, طب الأطفال - We usually resort to beta blockers, but only after thorough assessment: we take a detailed history including family history of heart disease, exercise tolerance, caffeine intake, smoking habits, then ... إقرأ أكثر