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25 سنوات
Any special exercises to fix my posture? i always walk with my neck and head before me
19 أغسطس 2013

د. Ziad Tannous جراحة العظام
Best exercices to strengthen the erector spinae muscles ( spine extensor muscles ) should be coupled with abdominal strengthening muscles . These exercices include cat and camel poses ( posture on hands and knees and curve ure spine up and down , lie on ure tommy and raise your head ( stretching the back muscles ) , again on hands and knees extend the right arm with the left leg and then vice versa , make sure to do regular sit ups afterwards , these exercices might help correct the postures ( to a certain limit ) provided that there is no static / plastic deformity ( i.e cyphosis , scoliosis ) ... These exercices will definitely help prevent low back pain