1- He/she is feeling too hot: you may be over-bundling your baby or keeping the heater on high power; remember that if you're feeling warm, then this is a good enough temperature for your baby as well and you need not overdress him/her or keep him/her under too many covers
2- The need for care and attention: not uncommonly, we receive complaints from mothers that their babies seem fussy and refusing to sleep although they're full and clean and already have a steady sleep schedule throughout the night. It so happens that if you're a working mother and are not getting the chance to spend enough time with your baby, your baby may get anxious and act out just to get you to stay next to them.
More serious conditions:
3- Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER): this is when the content of the stomach goes up into the esophagus (المريء). Discuss this possibility with your baby's pediatrician especially if she seems to be pain while burping and still spits a significant amount of milk in the process.
4- A hair strangling a digit: sometimes, a strand of hair may wrap around a baby's finger or toe and causes pain. Something to keep in mind.