د. Oussama Hassan
طب أمراض الكلى
How many kilometers should a 62 year old man walk daily to prevent high blood pressure?
د. Oussama Hassan,
طب أمراض الكلى
- the usual recommendation is to exercise for at least 3 times per week for more than 55 min if you are 18y and up. it s not about the distance. it is about the quality of training don't forget the diet... إقرأ أكثر
Is it safe to take 3-5 grams creatine 4-5 days per week?
د. Oussama Hassan,
طب أمراض الكلى
- no it is not! just rely on natural source of food. you can hurt your kidneys
I did a vitamin D test and the results were 10 ng L. The normal range is between 20 and 30. Do I have a vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency?
د. Oussama Hassan,
طب أمراض الكلى
- the target range is above 30. you need vitamin supplements regardless of the classification (insufficiency)
What would be the reason if I have border line high neutrophils and monocytes, yet they havent crossed the limit, And everything is fine. ? Thanks doc
د. Oussama Hassan,
طب أمراض الكلى
- needs to see the results. however if results are within the normal range as you stated, then nothing to worry about.
حول د. Oussama Hassan
حصل على شهادة طب من University of Balamand
Beirut, لبنان