د. Mohamed Al Jazzar
Dad is 77 years old, heart surgery few years ago, nothing serious since + clean tests.Slight arthritis which affected his back a bit.His fingers are always numb and cant hold and feel with them, why?
د. Mohamed Al Jazzar,
- Is it in both hands?, he should be examined by a neurologist most probably
Had my Cubital tunnel operation 5 month ago. my elbow where i had the surgery is still numb and the incision mark is purple and itchy at times.. what's going on?
د. Mohamed Al Jazzar,
- i think it is not unusual to feel this but for sure you should consult your surgeon who did the operation.
What are the chances of staying awake and not being able to move under anesthesia?
د. Mohamed Al Jazzar,
- It is a known complication during general anesthesia. The incidence of awareness under anesthesia is variable. Usually it is rare; it depends on the surgical setting and the physiological status of th... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Mohamed Al Jazzar
حصل على شهادة طب من Lebanese University
Beirut, لبنان