د. Jamil Tadros
جراحة العظام
Please since 3 years i have a bad pain in my feets i cant stay on my feets more than 30min and i feel like fire goes under my feets , i tried many shoes but same problem. Even if im without shoes..
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- check uric acid in blood, are you diabetic? further medical examination required a lot of possible medical condition
I take deanxit once daily. how to taper it down ?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- take it once every 2 days for 2 weeks than once every 4 days for 4 weeks than stop it.
I have pain in the back side of my knee ? I feel the area hot and I cant stand on my feet for a long time especialy during prayin?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- what is your body weight? any veines varicosis? too young for knee arthrosis? did u have and trauma in the past? meninscal tear is possible.
MRI to be done?
Is it found in Lebanon, or is it not very common here? Can you suggest a name of a doctor that is specialized is such kind of surgery?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- simple surgery that almost any orthopedic surgeon can do
Can a member of the family see a psychologist instead of the actual patient who has bipolar disorder to avoid that the patient feels bad about himself.
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- It can be done, but the sucesss rate will be not high. It is very important that the patient is aware of his disorder and is seeking help and that will increase the chance of having good results.
Is toe surgery doable and safe? Is it done in Lebanon? It is not mainly a hallux valgus deformity, but it has more to do with the shortening and elongation of certain toes that are disproportionate.
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- It is doable surely, it can be corrective and reconstructive plastic and therapeutic surgery.
Are thoughts of suicide a symptom of premenstrual syndrome?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- A psychiatric consultation is required urgently, as thoughts can easily be converted to acts especially in young adults.
I have dislocated my shoulder 5 times while playing sports and lately it's more prone to dislocation. What's the best way to strengthen it so that it doesn't dislocate again?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- If it is easily dislocated while doing normal daily activities, it needs surgical treatment. If dislocation requires a special type and strength of sports, physiotherapy and muscle strengthening may h... إقرأ أكثر
Health question I have a serious problem I suffer from a very low weight i am 21 years and my weight is only 48 and my lenght is 168 I made before a examination and i have no problem with my harmone
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- Do sports like weight lifting under specialist supervision and take proteins supplements, that will increase muscle mass and increase you body weight in healthy way.
Hello. MRI shows a supraspinatus tendinitis. Is physiotherapy a good treatment now even if the tendon is still inflamed? till now! I don't want to go for infiltration. Which treatment shall I follow?
د. Jamil Tadros,
جراحة العظام
- Anti inflammatory drugs treatment, if no improvement infiltration is indicated...
Both followed by Physiotherapy at the good timing.
حول د. Jamil Tadros
حصل على شهادة طب من Kaunas Medical University
Tripoli, لبنان