د. Hatem Farhat
Where can I do the gynecomastia surgery in beirut area ?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- A general surgeon, a breast surgeon or a plastic surgeon if you want. Any doctor you trust. Its not a difficult procedure.
I have a wound that got infected cleaned it but now feel dizzy and sick and fuzzy could this be sepsis don't look infected now
د. Hatem Farhat,
- An infected wound usually needs serial dressings and antibiotics to kill the offending organism. Sometimes it may need further actions. If this was not done and the infection was serious you may go in... إقرأ أكثر
I think I have a genital warts caused by HPV as i read. It is only one on the public hair area. What can I do about it?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- Genital warts caused by hpv are contagious, to yourself (soon there will be many) and to others. First of all you'd better be aware of this to protect others. Second you can just excise it using a cau... إقرأ أكثر
Hi, My mother 49 yrs old has low WBC and RBC According to CBC test. She previously had a decrease of iron absorption. What does that mean?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- Your mom is having anemia and leucopenia ( which may also be neutropenia) and if her platelets are also low she may have pancytopenia.... In all cases a referral to a hematologist for indepth investi... إقرأ أكثر
Hormonal(testosterone....) nl. values for 10 years old boy
د. Hatem Farhat,
- Depends on lab and the method used. Also whether its total or free testesterone.... You can check this if you want. http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/test-catalog/Clinical+and+Interpretive/83686... إقرأ أكثر
I am feeling pain in my left testicle. The pain is neither very strong nor continous. The pain takes place at random moments and does not increase upon touching. Is there anything to worry about?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- You'd better get checked for a varicocele.
I have this pain in my abdomen, I think it might be from taking too much medicine and antibiotics. What can I do to make it go away?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- The best thing to start with is to diagnose the cause. Abdominal pain includes hundreds of causes. Giving more details about your smptoms and visiting a dr for a physical exam will make things easier.
I've large tonsils,I feel of obstruction in breathing.I have recurrent tonsillitis.Would you recommend 2 remove them?
د. Hatem Farhat,
- If you are having more than 5 episodes a year that require medical attention and treatment or if it's causing you obstructive symptoms (difficulty swallowing, obstructive sleep apnea), you' d better h... إقرأ أكثر
My husband has pimples on his penis. There's a white head with no discharge. It's not painful but they're increasing. Two now have the size of hummus.
د. Hatem Farhat,
- Most probably your husband is having molluscum contagiusum. A condition that is contagious (to the patient himself and to his partner). It not a dangerous disease and usually resolves without treatmen... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Hatem Farhat
حصل على شهادة طب من Beirut Arab University
Beirut & Saida, لبنان