د. Chady Waked
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
Hello Doctor I am 28 years old married for 3 years and suffering from infertility when it was discovered the zero number of sperm in the semen I had a FSH and testesterone it was normal (Finfertility
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- Hello, if FSH and testostérone si normal, the most probable cause is obstructive azoospermia( zero sperm), if the obstruction is in the prostate or around it and it is accessible by cystoscopy ... إقرأ أكثر
I am a male of 75 y old , I did a laboratory test , it shows beginning of prostate, When I urine ,hardy with pain urine get out , Dr. described me CARDURAL one pil a day . lately on 21-05-2013 I d
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- What is the question??
Yesterday, after I went to the toilet, there was red blood in my urea. No pain, and since then, I have had no bleeding ( I had no bowel mvt yet). Should I get worried?
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- when there is blood in the urine it is called hematuria, there is many causes starting from infection to stones in the urinary tract to more serious issue. you should see a urologist to make you some ... إقرأ أكثر
Urology - Dear Dr, I have a testicles problem. both testicles are too small. and the penis is like 50% rigid only. any hope!
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- hello, we need to know more details about your libido, sexual life and secondary male caracters... to assess the case but first of all il can be a hormonal problem witch needs evaluation by hormones b... إقرأ أكثر
I have Urine examination 24 hours
the first urine after sleeping does not put in the canister?
And next day I put the first urine after sleeping in the canister?
must be sleep before start?
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- When you collect a 24h urine you must not add the first urine of the day you start to collect and you must add the first urine of the next day. Ex: if you decide to start collecting tomorrow morning, ... إقرأ أكثر
Hey doctor so etine i woke up in tge morning and i found that i ejaculate while i was sleeping and i dont feel anything it happen many times,why?is it normal?any advice?
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- This is what we call a wet dream, this is strictly normal especially if you are young and you don't have sexual activity nor frequent masturbation.
I can retract my penis foreskin when flaccid to the back! But its a bit hard to do it when errect! Is it possible to have sex with unretracted foreskin
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- It si possible, but maybe painful so if it is painful when erected or while having sex or if you have trouble in ejaculating you may need circumcision so you must ask a urologist.
Not sure who to ask, but is there any food that can boost the blood flow to the penis? ( so it gets longer ) if so what kind of food could you suggest. thank you
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- Nothing gets the penis longer in erection not even the plastic surgery who can get it longer in flaccid, cause the erection is done by a flow of blood to the corpus cavernous (in the penis) witch are ... إقرأ أكثر
I suffer from smelly between the thighs and on both sides of the testicles
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- This can be the consequence of fungal infection of the skin,it can be treated with local antifongal ointment, check with a physician to be sure from the diagnosis and give you the right treatment
I have a problem in ejaculation during intercourse, my problem is that I arrive to the end in less then 1 minute. please help me and tell what I can do ? Thanks;
د. Chady Waked,
طب أمراض المسالك البولية
- This is called a premature ejaculation, but you have to know that it's a couple definition, so if your partner get orgasm in the same time more or less so you shouldn't worry. If you get to ... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Chady Waked
حصل على شهادة طب من Saint Joseph University
Beirut, لبنان