زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
I have a problem in ejaculation during intercourse, my problem is that I arrive to the end in less then 1 minute. please help me and tell what I can do ? Thanks;
16 مارس 2013

د. Chady Waked طب أمراض المسالك البولية
This is called a premature ejaculation, but you have to know that it's a couple definition, so if your partner get orgasm in the same time more or less so you shouldn't worry. If you get to the end way before her so we consider this as a problem. There is many kinds of treatement for this, first you must exercise to try to delay ejaculation, second there are some topic ointment that can help or Oral medication some are used on demand and others on daily basis. So if you this is causing a trouble for your sexual life as a couple you must refer to a urologist or a Sexologue for help.