زيارة الأطباء
الإتصال بالأطباء
إسأل الأطباء
الصفحة الرئيسية
د. Beatrice Khater
طب الأسرة
I think am facing PE sometimes before i even start penetration it ejaculates and some other time after around a 1 min is this normal what should i do?
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - apparently you are facing some problems. the good news is that it can be solved either with behavioural changes , some therapy or with medications.  
I got my period twice this month. Its the first time. should i be worried?
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - SInce it is the first time it can be something transient.In view of your age it may be also due to the hormonal changes before menopause
Does a microalbumin(spot) level in urine of 32.5mg/l indicates a problem in the kidneys.?If yes, should we see a nephrologist or our endocrinologist?
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - The result is higher than the normal.It has many causes but the good news is that it can be reverted by treatment. You can consult a nephrologist for that matter
Bonjour docteur, J'ai 23 ans, j'ai toujours le visage pale, j'ai fais des examens sanguin et pour le foie mais tout est bon, je suis toujours stresser
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - Bonjour, la paleur peut être une couleur de peau tout simplement.Il faudrait gérer le stress aussi par des exercices de relaxation , du sport...
Can Drinking hot water risks implantation after embryo transfer in IVF treatment? will the temp affect the uterus temp
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - fluids (or food) you can ingest , even if hot, cannot har or burn the rest of your body
My daughter 3 years frm abt 6 mnths she removed diaper but still put it @ night how can i let her take it off itscold in q8 should i start now or wait
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - you can remove it provided you wake her up at 2-3 times at night at first and make sure she does not have fluids after 4 pm 
Hi, do u recommend using VICTOZA for weight loss? what is the recommended dose for non diabetics and for how long i can use it?
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - Victoza is used for diabetic patients and incidentally decreases weight. So using it for weight control is an off-label indication
What are the symptoms and cure for migraine headaches?
د. Beatrice Khater, طب الأسرة - I agree with my colleague.If the attacks are frequent a long term treatment can be tried to decrease them.All this should be discussed with your physician who may opt to give you a long term treatment... إقرأ أكثر
حول د. Beatrice Khater
حصل على شهادة طب من Saint Joseph University
مقره Beirut, لبنان