My son is 15 years old and he is doing bodybuilding there is any side effect if hi take protein shakes in this age? Thanks
2 إجابة
د. Ghassan Nawfal,
- No but he should take only the recommended dose. It should not replace a healthy diet.
Do protein shakes have negative effects if I take them while working out? Which is the best brand to take?
د. Salim Saab,
طب الأذن والحنجرة
- There are dangers of excessive intake of proteins if you are already eating meals that are rich in proteins and mixing them with protein shakes. Effects can be diarrhea, osteoporosis, kidney problems,... إقرأ أكثر
Is Dukan diet a healthy diet to follow? I have been following it for few months now.
د. Thierry Yazbek,
- Dukan diet is a four-phase, high-protein, low-calorie diet plan. There's no weighing foods or counting calories. You eat as much as you want, at any time of day - as long as what you’re eat... إقرأ أكثر
What are the side effects of Bodybuilding supplements such as ( Whey protein, argenine, amino acids, glutamine....)
د. Thierry Yazbek,
- Each protein source has unique attributes that may convey specific nutritional advantages compared to the others for gaining lean body mass and enhancing muscle recovery after exercise, including an a... إقرأ أكثر
Bonjour j ai pris 12 kilos de plus en quatre mois et je voudrais les predre avec medicament j ai 53 ans et 170 cm de longueur et 72 kilos
د. Thierry Yazbek,
- Pour perdre 10 - 12 Kg pas besoin de prendre des medicaments , mais ce qui est mieux c'est un bon suivi par une dietetitienne avec un regime equilibré riche en proteines avec pour certains... إقرأ أكثر