Is L-Theanine healthy ? And where can I find it in Lebanon ?
د. Zakia Dimassi,
طب الأطفال
- L-theanine is a tea extract that is used as an oral nutritional supplement and is generally safe. You may ask about it in large pharmacies.
هل العلاج الطبيعي خيار جيد لأوجاع الظهر والرقبة؟
د. Kassem El-Houcheimi,
جراحة العظام
- اذا لم يوجد آلام حادة أو كسور.
What do you think of the use of weed to cure many diseases? It has been proven to be beneficial, why don't you fight for the legalization of it?
د. Fadi Abbas,
طب الأورام وأمراض الدم
- THC , tetra hydro canabitol, in cannabis has always been a controversial issue in medicine, although, it can beneficial for cancer patients, and improve their appetites, and decrease the fatigue and p... إقرأ أكثر