زيارة الأطباء
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الصفحة الرئيسية
What do you think of the use of weed to cure many diseases? It has been proven to be beneficial, why don't you fight for the legalization of it?
14 يناير 2013

د. Fadi Abbas طب الأورام وأمراض الدم
THC , tetra hydro canabitol, in cannabis has always been a controversial issue in medicine, although, it can beneficial for cancer patients, and improve their appetites, and decrease the fatigue and pain. it is sometimes classified as class B, while alcohol is class A, and still it is not legalized, as there is general conviction, and proven that those who use it for recreational use, might convert to harder drugs, like cocaine and heroine, etc. in teen agers, it can become addictive, increase anxiety, decrease productivity, and some might become reallty paranoid. Although it can increase creativity. I think, there are so much to be done in medicine, as 80% of human diseases has no real treatment (except treating the symptoms and not the cause). is it really urgent to legalize it.