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18 سنوات
Why does my back hurt when i sneeze? (Lower part - sacrum)
11 نوفمبر 2013

د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
It is possible a lombo sacral disc or vertebral problem an M.R.I should be done.
د. Youssef El Bitar جراحة العظام
Back pain can be the result of many problems. Back pain in young people tend to be less serious than older patients and is usually the result of muscular injuries around the spine. However, many other causes can result in low back pain including viral infections anywhere in the body including the disc, disc disease (less common in young people), problems in the stability of the spine, hip problems and others. If you continue to have the same type of pain, you need to be examined by a Dr and have some imaging done if necessary.