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الصفحة الرئيسية
Which is better the hyaluronic acid or the fat in z face and which one lasts longer and safe?
23 أبريل 2013

د. Michel Moutran جراحة التجميل
Hyaluronic acid is a resorbable filler that last between 4 mths and 1 year depending on the area in the face where it is injected and its thickness. The result is immediate, there is almost no downtime, and if well injected with enough finesse, the result is beautiful and natural. Be sure of the quality of the product injected and its validation by international organism (FDA, CE) Fat injection comes from your body so there is no risk of rejection. It has to be well treated and processed sterile. It stays where you inject it with a small amount of resorption. The volume transferred can be higher than HA. The result again is natural if injected by specialists. The two tchniques are safe, fat stays longer.