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What would be the best way to treat a wart on the penile area?
31 أغسطس 2013

د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
there are several reasons of wart and the most common is HPV( Human Papilloma Virus) which was associated with penile cancer and cervical cancer in women. the warts are usually self limited and the best way to prevent infection with HPV is through safe sex using condoms.
other reason is syphilis which is a treatable disease with antibiotics and which form on the penis an ulcer that is call chancre. so it its better to be seen by a specialist
د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
There is no best way to treat a wart on the penis. Each case has its own treatment.
There are several treatment options for this condition including: cream applied by the patient, drugs applied by the physician, cauterization, and surgery.
The treatment depends on the size, location and the number of the warts, as well as to the response to a previously given treatment.
I encourage you to see your physician who can offer you the best treatment modality.
Meanwhile, it is very important to use condoms to prevent you from infecting other people.