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What are the signs of autism in a child?
20 يناير 2013

د. Dania Khalaf طب الأطفال
You must worry about autism if your child show abnormal DEVELOPMENT (ex:he was normal before age of 15 months and between 15 and 30 months he loses verbal and nonverbal communication skills, => ex :he doesn't use his index finger to point or indicate interest in something ) , show abnormal SOCIAL interactions , abnormal reactions to ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI (lack of appropriate interaction with family members , appears indifferent to the departure of them from the room ,having difficult to make friend ,and instead he show attachments to objects not normally considered child oriented ,) show EXCESSIVE REACTION=>incessant screaming to certain sounds like vacuum cleaners or motorcycles) absence of SYMBOLIC PLAY (ex :he may enjoy repeatedly spinning a wheel of a car instead of moving the entire car) , show SPEECH ABNORMALITIES (saying “you instead of “I”, repeat words and sentences after someone else says them).... There is also too many other symptoms .IF you have DOUBT about your child behavior , don’t be late to refer to your pediatrician because there is a need for specialized assessment by using AUTISM SCREENING CHECKLIST..