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What are effective ways to quit smoking? Should I just stop or gradually reduce the number of cigarettes per day?
12 فبراير 2013

د. Ahmad Ghannoum طبّ الجهاز الهضمي
determination!!!!!! you must have it to stop smoking!!
د. Karim Farah طب الأمراض الرئوية والتنفسية
there are two causes why smokers find it difficult to quit.
first there is the psychological dependence which needs determination and support from the surrounding people and/or medications and there is the nicotine dependence which depends on the duration and number of packs per day and that might require finding another nicotine source such as patch, gum or lozenges to help with the withdrawal symptoms (ie stopping the nicotine effect).
stopping directly is easier and more effective than the gradual reduction. but again it all depend on the smoker him/herself. there are a lot of smoking cessation programs that might help you quit.