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Weak erection how we can get it back strong
22 فبراير 2013

د. Beatrice Khater طب الأسرة
Multiple factors affect erections from diseases, medications, smoking...to stress and emotions.Make sure you are in the mood, totally relaxed, with not much alcohol in the blood (or other substances).
د. Nehme Raad طب أمراض المسالك البولية
The cause of erectile dysfunction (weak erections) is mainly related to age.
If you are a young man, the cause will be mainly psychogenic. This condition is related to stress, job problems, familial issues ... It can be helped by getting into the mood and also by some Ginseng based drugs.
Erectile dysfunction in older persons is multifactorial, and can be affected by drugs, high cholesterol, diabetes, vascular problems and other conditions.
A baseline lab tests that includes also testosterone level must be done.
Erectile dysfunction could then be treated depending on the cause.
Several drugs available in the market could help to get stronger erections. The first line treatment are PDE5 inhibitors.
د. Salim Saab طب الأذن والحنجرة
erectile dysfunction has multiple causes it may be drugs alcohol old age vascular and hormonal problemt treatment depend on the cause